IQraa: ‘Running for a brighter Palestine’

20 Apr

IQraa (read in Arabic) is kicking off its 2017 running campaign in May. IQraa is a non-partisan and non-political group with one specific goal, which IQraa clearly declares on it’s racing team shirts: ‘Running for a brighter Palestine‘.


American Palestinian Women’s Association (APWA) has supported IQraa since its inception- APWA members helped found IQraa, fielded runners and volunteered for IQraa, and our members have funded IQraa’s laudable objective. Needless to say, APWA and countless of others are invested in the continued success of IQraa.

Here is why: Since 2008, IQraa’s 148 runners and dedicated volunteers have raised more than $208,000 for United Palestinian Appeal (UPA)-implemented education projects. In 2016 alone, IQraa raised over $20,000, enough to fund about 20 student scholarships. The addition of one more Iqraa runner will make a huge difference in supporting the eduction of one more college student for an entire year. IQraa volunteers also earn hours for manning and coordinating training and race stations, which translates to direct funding IQraa from race organizers.

If you are a first time runner, running for IQraa is a great opportunity that would help you to train for a marathon, half-marathon, 5K or 10K, and also support the education of Palestinian youth. And if you are an avid runner you can run in your chosen race as an IQraa runner (at a local race or abroad as far as Athens). If not inclined to run or volunteer, you can sponsor an IQraa runner.

2017iqraagroupFor more info about IQraa please visit their web site, or read this article.

Feel free to forward the attached one page flyer to friends and colleagues or post on your bulletins Iqraa 2017 Info Flyer .

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